When I was growing up we did not go to the movies. The reasons why are too tedious to go into here, suffice to say, along with dancing, drinking and smoking, it just wasn't something that we did. This did not prevent me however from developing a fascination with movies at a fairly young age. I would read reviews of movies in the paper. I watched Siskel and Ebert when they were still on PBS. I can remember watching
The Sting win the Best Picture Oscar when I was 8 year's old. (I didn't know anything about the movie but I knew that it won Best Picture.)
Growing up in the three network era of television my movie viewing options were definitely limited. I can remember the annual airing of
The Wizard of Oz. Another annual viewing tradition with my family was
It's a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, World. But for the most part my movie experience was limited to news print and commercials for the latest Hollywood offering being shown at the local cineplex. In fact, my most vivid movie memory growing up is being the only kid in my 5th grade class not allowed to see Star Wars in its initial theatrical release. (I'm still bitter.)
With the advent of the VCR and movie rentals came far greater opportunities to satisfy my cinematic hunger. Not only did I finally get to experience "a long time ago in a galaxy far far away" and sample more contemporary offerings, I was also introduced to the works of masters like Alfred Hitchcock and Frank Capra. A whole new world was opened.
What I love about the movies is being told a great story. Whether its truth or fiction, drama or comedy, as long as it is a great story being told in a compelling way, I'm hooked. I'm fascinated by the different styles of story-telling that you find in films. It can be straight forward or sentimental. It can be down to earth or full of over-the-top special effects. There are movies in each of these categories that I love.
This blog is meant to be a way to both express and enhance my love of film. My plan is to watch each of the movies listed on the
American Film Institute's updated
100 Years 100 Movies list and write about them. These are not going to be reviews so much as personal responses to the films. I have already seen a majority of these movies at least once and some many times. Some I have loved and others...not so much. What I hope to do is take a fresh look at the films I have already seen and find something new in them. With those I haven't seen I am looking forward to seeing what I have missed out on.
I'm not placing any timeline on this project, but having this blog should at least influence my Netflix and DVR choices. I will also use this spot for other types of posts, but they will probably be movie related as well. If anyone happens to stumble by, I encourage interaction and look forward to hearing your reactions and opinions.